Thursday, February 11, 2010

We've met the enemy and he is us

Research seems to indicate that wrong or unhealthy choices are made because we focus too much on ourselves and blame others. It makes sense. It is as old as Adam and Eve and as recent as you and me. One of the struggles our country is currently having deals with choices. On the one hand we want government to bail us out; on the other hand we think government is too big. On the one hand we want better schools; on the other hand we want lower taxes. I'm no politician, but it would seem to me that we can't have it both ways.

Our faith journeys are not much different. On the one hand we want God's grace and forgiveness, but without confession and repentance. On the one hand we want spiritual strength, but without the disciplines necessary for this to happen. The bottom line is that at some point we need to make a choice to turn things around and make some of the sacrifices necessary to bring it about.

You know, if Jesus was physically alive today and chose to be a pastor, he would have a pretty small congregation. It would be small because he insisted on making choices that would involve some sacrifice. "Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:27)." Right now I'm thinking about what sacrifices I am making, if any, and what sacrifices I need to make to be a better disciple. That's what Lent is for me--choosing all over again to follow Jesus.

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